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Valerie Motis, Public Relations Director

What is ESG?

ESG stands for environmental, social and governance. As a framework, it summarizes an organization’s attitudes and practices around sustainability and ethics. While these factors are considered non-financial indicators of a business’s performance, ESG ensures there is accountability for a company’s impact on the environment and how it treats its employees, customers, and partners. At NETGEAR, we take ESG very seriously. It represents our core values.
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man outdoors using laptopSince NETGEAR’s inception in 1996, we have pioneered the networking technologies that help people to do more with their lives at home and at work so that they are happier and more productive. Over the last 25+ years we have grown to be one of the world’s most trusted brands with products installed in millions of homes and businesses in every country on the planet.

The same core values that made our vision for a connected world a reality drive us to this day. These include leveraging the latest innovations to create world-class solutions that help to simplify and improve peoples’ lives, continuing our legacy of high-quality, sustainable product design, better protecting our customers’ data and privacy, maintaining an environmentally and socially responsible supply chain, and holding professional integrity and inclusion at the core of all business operations.

The ESG report

It’s important for us to track our commitments to the planet, our business and each other so we all know the bar by which we measure our successes and progress. Our priorities are captured in our annual ESG Report. In it, we cover six priority topics:

• Product Security: we strive to earn and maintain the trust of our customers by delivering products that are more secure and better protect the privacy and security of our customers’ data.
• Data Privacy and Cybersecurity: we aim to be fully transparent in the collection, sharing, and usage of any personal data.
• Supply Chain Management: we promote the humane treatment of workers and mitigate potential labor and environmental risks throughout our entire value chain.
• Employee Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion: we seek to foster a diverse working environment, representing a broad spectrum of backgrounds and cultures that promotes innovative ideas and products.
• Professional Integrity: we actively work to maintain and improve a culture of professional integrity through everything we do.
• GHG Emissions and Energy Management: we continue to work proactively to reduce or eliminate hazardous materials in our products, helping to protect the health and safety of our employees, our customers, our manufacturing partners, the environment, and our communities.

Since the publication of our inaugural ESG report, we’ve made significant strides in each of these areas and are proud to be in alignment with Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards while working towards meeting the requirements of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In this, our second report, we’re making a commitment to net zero operational scope one and two emissions by the year 2025.
To read the whole report or to learn more about our programs and policies dedicated to sustainability, security, diversity, corporate responsibility and more visit our ESG page on
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